About us
HYPERREALIST wildlife artist, Anthony Walker and I first met in early 2020.
'Wild Currency', a painting of the African Big 5 popped up on my Instagram feed. I was so struck by this image before me, not least because of the gold leaf on the animals to portray the value to poachers, that it compelled me to reach out to him cold.
Moving forward a few months and we hosted his first gallery in Kent, UK. It was next to Nature in an old disused wooden theatre in a 40 acre wood.
A perfect setting for a wildlife exhibition!
Neither of us knew how successful this venture would be and we could not of hoped for, nor expected, the acclaim (and sales!) this 2 day event earned!
With his stock of art depleted, Anthony at this time of writing, is now busy painting for his next exhibition, possibly around May 2021...